Chief executive officer

Best CEO of the 20th Century? I Like Ike

Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1945 military photo

I am often asked who I look up to as an example of a great Chief Executive Officer. As I write this today is the 70th anniversary of D-Day. We all owe a debt of gratitude to all the individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice for the Allied cause. It just happens that my selection for best CEO of the 20th century would go to the leader of that effort and former President Dwight Eisenhower. While there are many worthy candidates, President Eisenhower performed exceptionally well in two of the toughest assignments anyone could possibly undertake.

Addressing a new CEO assignment with why, what and where

Every new leader faces the immediate challenge of how best to communicate his or her vision to the organization. Employees are anxious when there is a change at the top, so it is important to begin the communication process as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, new CEOs will likely not have had time to develop a fully formed strategy, so they must be careful to only communicate what they know to be true.